In Harmony by Debbi

I’m going to confess that I am really bad at memorizing scripture. Memorization was not emphasized in the church I grew up in, and I am always amazed at the people who can not only recite scripture, but tell you the book, chapter, and verse it came from.

When you put music with the scripture, I am somehow able to remember the words. I learned the 23rd Psalm in the choir at Lon Morris Junior College, and I still sing it in my head when I need to be assured: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want….

I have been told by nurses that babies in the womb can hear sounds and music, and that hearing is one of the last senses to leave us when we die. I sang to my parents and my husband during their final hours on earth, and I believe that was comforting to them and to me. Dementia patients respond to music therapy and even sing along. I’m sure some of the words of a hymn pop into your head when you hear a few notes, such as Amazing Grace.

Worshipful music, whether with words or not, speaks to our hearts and souls. As our spirits are filled with harmony and peace, let us sing our praises to God who gave us this gift of music.


Elder Wisdom by Lois