Elder Wisdom by Lois
As we approach the season of celebrating the most marvelous miracle of Jesus's birth, we begin the busyness in finding just the right presents, attending parties, making menus, entertaining family and friends--and the list goes on with so much to do! Maybe taking time to consider what the protagonists in the Christmas story were doing might settle us down a bit
Matthew 1:21-22 "She will give birth to a son and you are to name Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins. See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name Him Immanuel, which is translated 'God is with us' ".
Who could understand this mystery God? Mary? What went through her mind as this angel-visitor announced to her that she, of all others, would be the chosen mother of the long-awaited Savior of the world? She was the one selected by God Himself! How could she take it all in? I feel certain she couldn't, yet she said she was "a willing servant".
Next there was explaining to her parents and having them believe this impossible conception by the Holy Spirit. (But "with God nothing is impossible." Luke 1:37) Now Mary was betrothed to Joseph who had difficulty accepting this pregnancy.
Matthew 1:19 "And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly." Yet God was not finished with His way of doing things for He sends an angel to Joseph in a dream to explain this miraculous occurrence. Joseph did as the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.
I wonder when Mary became fully aware that this special Baby was truly within her. Did she have morning sickness? Were her daily chores more tiresome to perform? And the hormonal changes? Did she count it all as blessings because this was One special Baby.
As Mary and Joseph moved forward with God's plan to bring "Immanuel " into this world, the challenges continued as they made the 90 mile trek to register for the required census in Bethelem. She is at the end of her 8th month, so walking and riding on a donkey had to have been most uncomfortable. What about Joseph? He knew how she was feeling which had to have been hard on him as well. Sometimes God's plan is just plain not easy.
They arrive in Bethlehem with no available accommodations except a stable for giving birth to the Messiah. Mary did not even have her mother there to help her. No comfy crib to lay this newborn in, only a manger, a trough where animals were fed. The Son of God, the King of the world exchanged His place in heaven to come to earth in a meager place to be born.
This was only the beginning of the Holy Family's lives, but the pinnacle event happened: Jesus, the Messiah, came into this world in poverty so that we may have God's riches through Him. Phil. 4:19 They found riches in poverty.
Therefore, when we get all caught up with the season's frustrations, maybe focusing on what it was like for the ones who gave us the Reason for the Season and thanking God for sending the Word made flesh, His very Son, to celebrate.