Church Officers
Cally Brown
Charles Foushee
Vice Moderator
Ray Meachum
Kathy Winter
Hannah & Molly Brown
Emily Gamblin
Past Moderator
Education Team
Adult Education Ministry
Youth Ministry
Katy Barnes
Assists the Youth Director in providing a quality educational and social atmosphere for the Youth of our church
Children's Ministry
Jeanette Martin
Assists the Children's Ministry Director in providing a quality educational atmosphere for the children of our church
Rush Creek Christian Academy
Youth Representative
Nurture Team
Family Life Ministry
Beth Foushee/Sonya Vasquez
Organizes all-church dinners, receptions and other large meals
Men's Ministry
Fred Johnston
Facilitates the weekly breakfasts, monthly dinners and other gatherings of the men in our church
Women's Ministry
Marie Tucker
Facilitates the monthly gatherings and fundraisers for the women of our church
Care Meals Ministry
Emily Smith/Stephanie Guyon
Organizes meals to help members going through life changes or emergencies (i.e. hospital stays, having a baby, etc)
Wellness Ministry
Worship Team
Worship Ministry
Vicki Davis
Works with a committee to plan special worship programs and decorate the sanctuary
Elders Ministry
Kara Reyna, Elder Convener
Leads the elders who provide prayers and support to our congregation
Vicki Stewart, Elder Representative
Represents the elders on the Church Board
Deacons Ministry
Crystal Lanphier, Deacon Coordinator
Leads the deacons who collect offering and serve communion during worship
Karen Meachum, Deacon Representative
Represents the deacons on the Church Board
Nethinim Ministry
Grant Smith
Leads the Nethinim who support the church through greeting, safety, and logistics
Steward Team
Finance Ministry
Property Ministry
Ron Chenault
Oversees maintenance, repairs and improvements to the property and buildings
Steve Guyon
Oversees the church's techology, such as networking, security cameras, and livestream production
Memorial Ministry
Cindi Chenault
Works with families to utilize memorial funds for special projects
Community Team
Outreach Ministry
Guest/New Member Ministry
DOC/Ecumenical/Interfaith Ministry
Stephen Goss
Facilitates collaboration and fellowship with others in our denomination as well as other faiths