Volunteer Opportunities
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Giving isn’t just about money! It’s also about sharing your talents with the faith community. We try to update this page quarterly with opportunities to serve around the church.
New Nethinim Teams Needed
We need 4-6 friendly people to fill out our Nethinim roster. Nethinim come early on Sundays to brew coffee, open up the building, and do some light setup. Before worship they are our primary greeters at our doors. Once you’ve joined a team, you would serve once every 4-6 weeks. Contact Grant Smith (nethinim@rcccdoc.org) to volunteer.
Technology Team
We are looking for 2-4 new people to help on Sunday mornings with operating the sound board, advancing PowerPoint slides during worship, and operating cameras for our livestream. We will train you! No experience necessary. Volunteers rotate through positions and can serve as often as desired. Contact Emily Smith (Emily.Smith@rcccdoc.org) or Steve Guyon (Technology@rcccdoc.org) to volunteer.
Children’s Church
We are looking for 2-4 more people to assist with children’s church. Volunteers lead a lesson that is prepared by our Director of Children’s Ministry. Training and all teaching materials are provided. Must be able to pass a criminal background check. Contact Valeska Fripp (VFripp@rcccdoc.org) to volunteer.
Decorating and preparing for Hanging of the Greens will take place on Saturday, November 30th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Many hands make light work!
MLK Day of Service in Arlington
Annual Drip Bucket Irrigation assembly day, February 23rd
Cooks and cleanup helpers for annual Chili Cookoff, February 23rd