Children’s Ministry
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
At RCCC, we want children to learn about God’s unconditional love through our worship services, educational programs and fellowship activities. Church staff and volunteers strive to provide a nurturing and safe environment for kids to learn the Double Commandment that Jesus taught: to love God and to love others as much as ourselves.
Children's Church
Children's Church provides an age-appropriate setting for children 3 years old through 3rd grade during 10:45 worship. Children will be led out of the sanctuary after the Children's Sermon. They participate in an interactive study and craft based on the day’s sermon text and then return to worship for communion and the closing hymn.
Sunday School
Sunday School provides simple and active lessons based on Biblical stories for Kindergarteners through 5th graders. During the school year, children are placed into age/grade groupings and paired with two adult leaders. During the summer months, the classes are combined into a “one room schoolhouse” model.
Baptism Class
Each year leading up to Easter, a baptism class is offered for 4th and 5th graders. Baptism class is led by our pastors and includes classroom sessions, field trips, and being matched with a mentor. Baptisms are usually held on Pentecost Sunday.
Children's Fellowship
A fellowship for K-5th graders is provided once a month during the school year for fun and social activities. Past fellowships have included trips to Putt Putt, an Eclipse Party, and more. Children’s Fellowship occurs on Sundays after worship. Lunch is provided free of charge. Occasionally, we also offer special events for our JYF kids (4th-5th graders).
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held each summer and incorporates music, crafts, games, story time, field trips, and more. Our theme or focus varies year to year but each VBS is a 3-5 day program where children learn more about how to be disciples of Jesus.
Midwinter Retreat and Summer Camp
We participate in our denomination’s outdoor ministry program at Disciples Crossing Camp in Athens. Our 3rd - 5th graders have the opportunity to attend a midwinter retreat each January. In the summer, intergenerational camps for young children (PreK – 3rd) and events by age group (1st – 5th) are offered. At camp and retreats, children are invited to worship, play, learn, and pray together with other young people from across North Texas.