Outreach Ministry
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Rush Creek offers various outreach opportunities throughout the year, including helping at a mobile food pantry, making meals for the Arlington Life Shelter, collecting school supplies for a local elementary school and much more.
Annual Events
Drip Bucket Brigade
RCCC assembles drip irrigation kits that are sent all over the world to help our neighbors grow their own food. We assemble the kits once a year and distribute them to mission partners in the U.S., Central America, South America, and Africa. Two kits can provide irrigation to feed a family for five to seven years. To date over 1,900 kits have been assembled and distributed both domestically and abroad in over 20 countries as part of this annual interfaith development aid effort. That works out to over 4,500 people who have directly benefited. In addition to the drip kits, nine solar power units have also been provided. Our annual assembly event is usually held in late February.
Foster Elementary “PTA” Projects
This is our newest outreach ministry. After finding out Foster Elementary has no PTA, Rush Creek decided to help where we could. We partner with Foster’s administrators to provide essential school supplies and Christmas gifts to their students. We send back to school gifts to the teachers and staff. We also provide meals and gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Youth Mission Trips
Our Chi Rho and CYF groups participate in summer mission trips each summer. Past mission sites have included Denver, Washington, D.C., Disciples Crossing Camp, Austin, and more. Youth and their adult leaders spend a week getting out of their comfort zones and serving God by serving others. Volunteer work has included disaster relief and recovery, homeless outreach, and inner-city youth programs, just to name a few. In addition to hands-on work, the groups are educated about the larger issues that cause the need for this work. They also have some fun along the way by sightseeing and playing together in a new city.