Elder Wisdom by Debbi


In order to listen, we must stop talking. You’ve heard that God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so that we would listen twice as much as we speak, but we don’t hear only with our ears. We hear with our hearts as well.

Listen for the music of nature in bird songs, crashing waves, rolling thunder and rustling leaves. Listen for the laughter of a child, voices singing and instruments playing. Most of all, listen for the voice of God which speaks straight to your heart.  Whether we listen with our ears or our heart, we must be silent. We must be still. We must be open to hearing the message.

Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ. - Romans 10:17

God listens to us and hears our prayers. There is a time for shouting joyfully to God, and then we must quiet our mouths, minds and hearts to hear what is said to us.


Stephen Moseley

A little bit about me…


Elder Wisdom by Kara