Elder Wisdom by Jeanette

As I thought about what to share with you this month, an important lesson that came to me this past summer as a “God twinkling “ in a lovely way. Before sharing today, I received permission from my precious Isabel to use her name and our picture.

Those who are friends of mine on Facebook may have already read this, please indulge my resharing because the message is so poignant.

Since we are entering the season of holiday baking, my wish is that each of you, at some point, find time to……….

………Bake Cookies Like You Used To ♥️

Beloved brothers and sisters, our mighty God is so good if we just remain open to the twinklings no matter how large or small. If you’re like me, we spend endless amounts of time searching everywhere for answers….by just remaining open to spirit, living in each moment, all we seek is right before us, no banner headlines required.

Those who know me, know that children are my passion and ministry. So many life lessons and knowings have been gifted to me from them. One of the biggest understandings has been that, over time, it’s not the super splashy events they hold on to……it’s the simple things you share with them where they have your undivided attention no matter what the activity. I recently was blessed with a lovely reminder of this very lesson.

I love this young lady like a granddaughter. Since Don and I have no children, she is surely a gift in my life, cherished beyond words. Now that she’s in college, we treasure the small pieces of time we share. I met her when she was is 2nd or 3rd grade cementing our relationship when she spent 4th and 5th grade in my Sunday School class. We have shared many wonderful times over the years. So grateful her parents let me have a part in her life.

Apparently I needed a refresher lesson in the importance of the simple things. As we began planning a day together, I was suggesting going here, going there..doing this and that when she said “Ms. Jeanette, I’d really love to bake cookies in your kitchen like we used to.”…..There it was, Spirit twinkling….it’s the simple things, my daughter. So, a week ago, that is exactly what we did…..drank real crème soda, made a mess, licked beaters, giggled, shared secrets, laughed, cried, loving each other deeply.

My beloveds, I share this with you that you might slow your busy life for a time and “bake cookies like you used to” receiving God’s grace and blessing through the simple things.  Shalom.

Stephen Moseley

A little bit about me…


Elder Wisdom by Cally


Elder Wisdom by Ron