Elder Wisdom by Jeanette
My beloved Rush Creek Family, as we continue through this month of thanksgiving and gratitude, I am reminded of one of my favorite Rumi quotes calling us to be grateful for our lives. Part of achieving this goal involves us making choices of how we accept life’s joys and struggles.
“Be grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun, and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful.” ~Rumi
Life affords us opportunities
They come in many forms
Welcome and unwelcome
Reaction to them is up to us
The choice is ours
We wear every life experience
On our faces and
In our hearts and spirits
Reaction to them is up to us
The choice is ours
Our true self depends on
Reaction to every experience
We encounter can be either
Destructive or transformative
Reaction to them is up to us
The choice is ours
May we seek the good
Grasping and holding it tightly
May we transform the bad and
Accept it as part of the sum total of our being
Reaction to them is up to us
The choice is ours
May we have “faces that shine like the sun”
Bringing joy and peace to all we encounter
The choice is ours
Shalom Beloved Friends ~Jeanette